Osprey pairs returned to their nest for hatching in the same location at The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge early spring. This osprey pairs nested on the artificial nesting platforms installed by the Refuge. The platform is located on the beach of the west side, far away from human activity, providing a safe place for ospreys to nest. This year, the pairs hatched two little ones. The female was watching out for outside and the male was hunting for food. It was a cloudy day and the visibility was not great, but the sprits of life is vivid on the sky.

Ospreys in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge are migrant. During the breading season starting from April, they migrate from various regions along the Atlantic Coast of North America, and from the Gulf of Mexico all the way up to the Maritime provinces of Canada, for their new homes. Some of them even amazingly fly over the sea from Colombia for nesting here (https://www.audubon.org/news/an-ospreys-amazing-migration-colombia-jamaica-bay).

Osprey pairs are generally monogamous and often mate for life. The male selects a nesting site in a dead tree, on a cliff, or on a man-made structure in or near the water. The pair collects sticks and other nesting materials together, but the female generally arranges the nest, which is large and bulky. Osprey couples have a own clear responsibilities, and also collaborate each other in reproduction of the next generation. In this regard, they may be doing much better than some humans.

早春时分, 一对鱼鹰回到了它们在牙买加湾野生动物保护区内的故居巢穴产子。这对鱼鹰的巢穴建造在保护区内的人工筑巢平台。平台座落在保护区西边海滩,远离人类活动,非常安全。 今年,这对夫妇孵化了两个小家伙。 雌性在外面提防,而雄性则在寻找食物。 那天是多云的日子,能见度不是很好,但天空中的生命气息却清晰可见, 历历在目。

牙买加湾野生动物保护区的鱼鹰是候鸟。 在每年4月始的繁殖季节,从北美大西洋沿岸,墨西哥湾,加拿大的沿海省份迁移而来的鱼鹰此地作巢。 有些鱼鹰甚至令人惊讶地地从哥伦比亚漂洋过海来此安家。

鱼鹰通常实行一夫一妻制,而且往往终生为伴。 雄性选择在枯树、悬崖或水中或附近的人造结构上筑巢。 鱼鹰夫妇成对一起收集树枝和其他筑巢材料,而雌性通常会布置大而笨重的巢穴。鱼鹰夫妇为培养下一代分工明确,互助协作,可能比有些人类做的更好。

Osprey range map from Birds of the World,
maintained by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

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The neighbors of the osprey in the same day 当天鱼鹰的邻居

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