Wildebeest is a large, herbivorous mammal native to Africa. There are two species of wildebeest: the blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and the black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou).

Wildebeests are stocky herbivores with a grayish-brown coat, a short black mane on their neck, and upward-curving horns. They stand around 1.2 to 1.5 meters (4 to 5 feet) tall at the shoulder, making them easily recognizable.

Known for their annual migration, they travel in massive herds between Tanzania’s Serengeti and Kenya’s Maasai Mara where are rich in rivers or water. This journey is driven by the search for fresh grazing land and water sources. Wildebeests exhibit synchronized calving during the migration, often within a few weeks, to maximize offspring survival. Wildebeests contend with a variety of predators, including lions, cheetahs, leopards, hyenas, and crocodiles during river crossings.

Due to their large populations, their role in the food web influences predator populations and vegetation dynamics in Kenya’s savannas.

While not domesticated, wildebeests indirectly benefit local communities through wildlife-based tourism. The Great Migration is a major attraction, contributing to Kenya’s economy, thus it deserves the title of animal hero for Kenya.

角马是一种原产于非洲的大型草食性哺乳动物。 角马有两种:蓝色角马(Connochaetes taurinus)和黑色角马(Connochaetes gnou)。

角马是矮胖的食草动物,有灰棕色的皮毛,脖子上有短的黑色鬃毛,还有向上弯曲的角。 它们的肩高约 1.2 至 1.5 米(4 至 5 英尺),因此很容易辨认。

它们每年一次的大迁徙闻名于世。大迁徙时角马成群结队地穿越坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂和肯尼亚的马赛马拉之间的河水流经之地。 驱使这一过程的原动力是寻找新鲜的牧场和水源。 角马在迁徙过程中(通常在几周内)表现出同步产犊,以最大限度地提高后代的存活率。它们在过河时会与各种捕食者,包括狮子、猎豹、金钱豹、鬣狗和鳄鱼展开斗争。

由于其数量众多,它们在食物网中的作用影响着肯尼亚稀树草原的捕食者种群和植被动态。虽然角马未被驯化,但它们通过以野生动物为基础的旅游业间接造福当地社区。 角马大迁徙是一个主要景观,它为肯尼亚的经济做出了贡献, 因此它们无愧于肯尼亚动物英雄的称号。

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Wildebeest at Amboseli 安博塞利的角马

Waiting for crossing the river 等待过河

Attempt to cross the river 尝试过河


Successful crossing the river 成功过河